Fete Avec Moi |
So we are trying to eat healthier. Vegetables are never what I gravitate towards. But I know they are what we need to start enjoying to better fuel our bodies. So yesterday, I shopped at our local FairWay. I filled our pantry, freezer, and fridge with more healthy alternatives. So I know my blog usually covers the entertaining we do for friends. But once in awhile it is nice to prepare something special for just us. So this evening's dinner started with a package of Trader Joe's beef bourguignon. This dish can't be beat. 2 servings in a microwave ready tray (6 minutes in microwave). Nice! Now while that microwaved, I made some mushroom pappardelle (2-3 minutes in boiling water) that I had picked up yesterday at Fair Way. I asked the darling husband if he would prefer corn or broccoli with dinner. He opted for corn (4 minute steamer bag). So there lies the crux of the culinary mixture of this evening. In a deep fry pan that I have I sauteed the papparedelle, corn, red onion, pepper chunks, and balsamic vinaigrette. After the beef finished cooking I added that to the fry pan. Sauteed the whole thing for a little bit. Served up by placing some of the pappardelle noodles, then layering the beef, then the corn mixture. I had extra so I made another plate for our neighbor. She just called to tell me how delicious it was and asked how I made the beef bourguignon. I was glad to share my secret Trader Joe's did the hard part. I just added to it.
Trying to embrace vegetables in different ways where I don't notice/hate them. Mushroom Pappardelle was a great way to get more veggies into our dinner. FairWay had a terrific bag of fresh spinach. After washing I served with goat cheese, dried cranberries, and a yogurt Boat House salad dressing. I refuse to eat cardboard. But I need to stop eating such processed horrible food too. So this weekend we began a new phase. Hopefully this phase will be just the next step on our road to a healthier life rather than just a passing fad. If you are looking for a quick and yummy dinner, may I suggest trying this one night.
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