Most recent party creation - Tiki Iced Tea Party |
Recently, I was having a discussion with a friend about blogging. Everyone has a voice. Some will care some will not relate to your topic. But everyone has a voice to share. By day, I assist teachers with using technology to raise the creativity level in their classroom and engage learning. In my "spare time" (hahahaha) I enjoy entertaining, cooking and more. My mother recently told me I should start a cookbook after I had family over for dinner while we were all away on vacation together. Another friend referenced that her "DIY friend (implying me) will have to create those for me". Their recent conversations have been rolling around in my head. I am in the process of collecting directions for a charity event that I will be part of next month. I decided since I research so much on the web and constantly learn from what I see, read, and hear that it is time for me to share back. So I guess it is time to start a blog. I will try to remember to share the ideas I use while entertaining. Care to party with me? (Fete Avec Moi: french for party with me) Will you be interested in reading what I have to share?
What a great idea for a blog! I'm always envious of those DIYers so I'm really looking forward to what you will be sharing.