Did I mention that the idea for this party and the idea to have a small family party only struck me at 8pm the evening BEFORE her retirement?! So here is what I managed to put together in a few hours. I was finished decorating by 2pm the next afternoon. Perfectly ahead of her finishing work around 5pm.
So the thoughts began to swirl like the Kansas hurricane...
I own some brown and white gingham tablecloths from my country Christmas party. I had considered using them. After all the scenes at home in the Wizard of Oz are in black and white. So I post this as an idea in case someone wanted to replicate this and use that color scheme. But I decided to embrace the technicolor side and go with blue and white gingham. So the thoughts began to switch. The house to pitch and suddenly the party was pulled off without a hitch.
I had white Styrofoam cups. I went online and found a picture of Dorothy with the caption "There's No Place Like Home". I always try to give credit where credit is due: http://nolaridge.com/sites/all/files/XL1729_1.jpg?1329408757
I printed these on labels. Placed the labels on the cups to fancy them up. And I taped a strip of white paper around water bottles that I had left over from the Shoe Shindig. Then added the same graphic on top.
I flew faster than the Wicked Witch on her broom to our local Party City. In the Halloween costume area, they had Dorothy's ruby red slippers, Glinda's wand and a Toto in the basket. Snatched and added to my cart. Flew to the Christmas Tree Shops for tablecloths. Found round ones and rectangle ones. Perfect. I had also headed to the Christmas Tree Shop for I had seen a puzzle rollaway there the other day. Earlier that morning at Target I had found a Wizard of Oz puzzle. What a great gift! Snatched all and added to cart then back out to my sister's to go decorate.
The night before I had printed a copy of this adorable graphic that I found online at http://mlblogssfdiamondgirl.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/no-place-like-home.jpg. This was used on the Kitchen table as the perfect theme accent. On the way to my sister's I grabbed Munchins (of course) from Dunkin Donuts. I had Hershey Kisses (labeled Tinman Hats) and Green Rolos (labeled Emerald City Rolos). We had hot dogs (Toto Dogs). My family loves marinated artichoke hearts. I happened to have had a jar. so they received a label that read, "The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart".
Credit must go out to: http://getsboredeasily.blogspot.com/2013/01/wizard-of-oz-retirement-party-tables.html for the theme idea. At 8pm the night before her retirement I had the idea that maybe I should surprise her and decorate while she's at work. I took to the net for ideas on what theme. Surf, sailing, luggage, etc but nothing felt right. Then I saw a horse of a different color on this lovely blog. I had been teasing my sister earlier in the week that "There's No Place Like Home" as she retired so it seemed perfect.
Here are a few photos of the decorations that welcomed my sister home: